Truck rolls over man at Hwys. 31 & 278; victim airlifted to area hospital


Updated 4-30-18 1:45 p.m.

CULLMAN – An elderly man was airlifted to an area hospital following an incident at the intersection of US Highway 278 and US Highway 31 at approximately 12: 30 p.m. Monday.

"Originally it came in as a pedestrian hit by a vehicle," said Cullman Police Chief Kenny Culpepper, "but what happened is an elderly man was helping someone push a disabled vehicle out of the intersection, and it rolled back on top of him."

According to Officer Jeff Mize, the victim's truck broke down at the intersection, and he was attempting to push it out of the roadway when someone stopped to assist him.

"The gentleman slipped and fell, and truck rolled back over him," said Mize. "It was a severe leg injury."

Culpepper said a helicopter landed at East Elementary to transport the victim.

The victim is 89 years old.

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