Town hall meeting Jan. 22 in Trimble with Harbison, Gentry, Marchman


Corey Harbison, Matt Gentry and Garry Marchman / Tribune file photos

TRIMBLE – A week into the 2018 legislative session in Montgomery, Rep. Corey Harbison, R-Good Hope will give local citizens an opportunity to get an update on what’s happening in Montgomery, and to let their voices be heard by the area’s elected officials. Harbison, Cullman County Sheriff Matt Gentry, Cullman County Commissioner Garry Marchman and others will be at the Trimble Community Center, 7744 County Road 813 at 6 p.m. Monday, Jan. 22 for a town hall meeting.  Dinner will be served.

Harbison remarked, “We encourage everyone to come out and be involved and learn about what’s going on in the community.”

He shared a little with The Tribune about what is going on in the current legislative session:

“It’s going okay.  It’s still kind of slow right now, but I would imagine after this week it’ll really, really kick off.  

“I think to see the federal government, what they have to do with the CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program, administered in Alabama as ALL Kids) program is going to make a big impact on what we do.  You know, we’re kind of at a wait-and-see point, and if they fully fund it, then we’re going to be in good shape, but if not, you know, of course, we’re going to have to take some steps to see what we can do to help protect the insurance for these children.  

“So that’s going to be one of the biggest things, in my opinion.  And, again, we’ll be looking at prison issues and the infrastructure, same thing as always.  But right now, I would say one of the most important things will be what happens with that CHIP program.”

Have you heard from Alabama’s legislative delegation in Washington about CHIP?

“You know, from conversations I’ve had with other members, they feel like that it’s going to be funded; so, you know, I don’t know.”

Alabama’s legislative session began Jan. 9.  For a list of some of the more prominent bills scheduled to come before the legislature early in the session, see:

At a glance

Community meeting with Rep. Corey Harbison, Sheriff Matt Gentry, Commissioner Garry Marchman and others.

Trimble Community Center, 7744 County Road 813

Monday, Jan. 22 at 6 p.m.  

Dinner will be served.

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