David Moss announces candidacy for Cullman City Council, place 2

Cullman City Councilman David Moss (contributed)

CULLMAN, Ala. – Cullman City Councilman David Moss on Friday announced plans to run for election to the council seat to which he was previously appointed. The Municipal Election will be Tuesday, Aug. 25, 2020.

Below is Moss’ announcement, in full:

David Moss, Jr. formally announces his candidacy for Place 2 on the Cullman City Council. He wants to continue to serve and work for the citizens of the Cullman community as he has over the past year and a half. Moss currently serves as the chairman of the Cullman City Council Utilities Committee.

In November 2018, David Moss, Jr. was appointed to the Cullman City Council to fill the unexpired term of Garlan Gudger, Jr. when he stepped down to serve in the Alabama State Senate.

“I had no previous experience in public office and did not know what to expect,” said Moss. “I was honored to be given the opportunity to serve, and it has turned out to be one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.”

These past few months have been like nothing we’ve ever seen before. The COVID-19 pandemic has posed challenges and obstacles in every aspect of our lives. Moss says he is proud of the city’s response to the crisis and vows to continue working with local businesses to promote the safety of our citizens.

“As we adjust to our new normal, we must work together to respond to the economic challenges that have been created. I believe in supporting our local businesses, listening to their concerns and doing what we can to help,” Moss said.

Moss is proud of the many accomplishments he and fellow council members have achieved over the past year and a half, such as: applying for and receiving numerous grants, hiring qualified new leaders, completing multiple infrastructure projects, working on a long-term plan for future growth, park development, a 5-year plan for the airport and much more. During his nineteen months on the council, Cullman industries have invested over $158 million in this community and created almost 500 jobs. Prior to COVID-19, Cullman’s unemployment rate was at an all-time low.

Over the next four years, one of Moss’ main focuses will be addressing the challenges that face the city school system.

“We have many decisions to make, and I want to be part of the solution. I will work with the school board to address the issues we face as Cullman continues to grow. Citizens of the city of Cullman should always feel free to contact me with questions or concerns. When we have tough decisions to make, I welcome input and other points of view,” said Moss. “It is an honor to serve this community, and I humbly ask for your vote for Cullman City Council, Place 2, on August 25, 2020.”

David was born in Cullman and has spent most of his life here. His father and grandfather both held public office (coroner) and were active in local politics and community service. He is proud of this fact and wants to continue their legacy.

David is married to Mary Leah (Ballew) Moss. Mary Leah is also a native of Cullman and works at Wallace State Community College. They have three children: Mary Beth lives in Cullman and teaches second grade at West Elementary; Katie lives in Trussville and works as an occupational therapist; and Thomas lives in Cullman and works with R.E. Garrison. David and his family attend Cullman First United Methodist Church.

David can be reached at dmoss@cullmanal.gov.